Friday, January 23, 2015

MLK/Crazy Hat Day

We honored MLK today, and as a class we did a craft. We used the short poem shown above, traced our hands and glued it all together. As I was teaching about MLK it was amazing to hear how little the students knew about how far we have come in the past few years. What was more powerful was their understanding that one little child, Ruby Bridges, could change so much as well. We can teach about the adults changing the world, but to a child, that's an adult. That's someone bigger than them and that is only someone they can look up to. But when you introduce children as changing the world, well, the look in their eyes when you tell them that at their age they can do something powerful as well,just absolutely makes your day. This is why I am a teacher. Days like today.

It was also crazy hat day, and Quackers joined in! You *might* see this hat reappear...

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