I'm in Germany today! Meet my friend, Ente! He showed me around and you would not believe how beautiful this country is!
Have a wonderful weekend!" (Original Post May 24th, 2018)
Fun fact:
Hello = Hallo
Duck = Ente
The students could not believe that Ente the duck was so tiny! I'm so fortunate to have friends all around the world that are able to send me so many wonderful things for this project! Shout out to my friend in Germany for sending me this postcard!
Edit in 2018: We had a second friend go to Germany and she sent us a new picture back of multiple ducks! Who thinks that Quackers should have one of those costumes?
![Image may contain: indoor](https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/471945_10150961236688629_2077703304_o.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=f9c179efdfc29325ea9154d1d7132137&oe=5B9EF3D1)