Friday, February 27, 2015


Today he was found with two tickets under his webbed feet. One was for California and the other was for Florida! Could it really be? Could he really be leaving?
Kids: "What does he need those tickets for?" 

Read Across America Day

For Dr. Suess Day/Read Across America Day Quackers dusted off his Cat in the Hat hat and wore it proudly all day! He only took it off once... and that was for the Pledge of Allegiance!

I'm Leaving!

While looking at pictures of warmer weather, Quackers has decided that enough is enough and if this below freezing weather continues, he's going to leave CT!

The kids were not very happy when they realized that yes, he might be leaving our cold classroom to go south! (Or beyond!)

Friday, February 20, 2015


The duckings did a wonderful adjective craft, and Quackers decided to join in! 
The craft started out as all of the ducklings wrote a nice adjective about each other, then they picked their five favorites to make the cloud out of! 

Happy crafting!

Duck for Dinner!

Yes, yes I know, Trixie is a vegetarian... but do the ducklings know?

And to answer that... yes. Yes they know. It wasn't as climatic as it started out to be.

100th Day

This may have been Elf on the Shelf inspired... "Write on! Your hard work has been noticed!"

For the hundredth day the ducklings went on a scavenger hunt! They had lots of fun hunting down 10 new school related items for them to play with in and out of the classroom!

CT Weather

"I'm cold!"
The poor duck snuck out during the night and found himself some yarn to make himself a new hat and scarf to wear! He must really not like New England weather!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Star Ducks

"May the force be with you!"

Fortunately a few ducklings knew what he was talking about!


We had a few snow days and Quackers got lonely....

Valentines Day!

This was down right cute and I have to share:

I was decorating for Valentines Day tomorrow and two of my kids walked back my way to go past the classroom. They all think the duck is doing the crafty little things so to keep up the charades I said...
Me: "Don't look in there!"
Kids: "Uh, why?"
Me: "Uh, Quackers keeps moving things in there!"
Kid: "Aw, he's getting ready for tomorrow!"
Kid: "We should go the other way so he can finish and we can't peek!"

Mission accomplished, the magic lives on!

Kilts are In!

This was inspired by a Facebook post, four little actual ducklings in cupcake dresses! Of course MR Quackers had to join in on the fun... with his own twist on things!

"Ready for a fashion show! It's a Kilt!"

Friday, February 6, 2015


In our classroom we use a system called DOJO. It's quite easy to use, and involves good reports (walking in the hallway quietly, homework reports, etc) and bad reports (missing homework, bad behavior, etc). I love using it and I believe I'll keep using it in the future!

However, Quackers logged into my account and gave himself 99 bonus points! Silly Ducky!

Open House

"Enough with this weather! Bring back summer! Think Warm!"

The kids (and adults) thought this was a riot... that the duck snuck into my desk and stole my sunglasses! They do look better on him than on me though!


Back to normal.. and up to his usual tricks! Today Quackers brought a gift for the ducklings... a puzzle for indoor recess!

Bonus: The bag is resealable!

Flocking Together

Poor Quackers! The other ducks banded together and found an air pump! (Shout out to Flat Stanley!) Maybe the air pump will work! We'll find out later...

The kids returned from gym to find Quackers back to normal! A definite cause for celebration!